Small tent trailers are lightweight and easy to set up, usually by one person. They enable the outdoors person who may not be interested in backpacking to enjoy more remote areas that are not accessible to larger campers or trailers. These small trailers, some weighing as little as 265 pounds, can be towed by 4-and-6 cylinder cars and in some cases by a motorcycle. Here are 4 examples of small trailers that convert to tents along with a tent that sets up on the back of a pickup.

Double Duty Utility Small Tent Trailer
The Double Duty Camping Trailer serves two functions: a utility trailer and a camping trailer. The frame is made of high quality steel and the separate platforms from durable steel mesh. Two detachable ramps enable easy loading of ATVs, motorcycles and any other type of gear that needs be rolled onto the bed. These same ramps provide access to the tent when it’s set up. When setting up as camping tent, the steel mash platforms are attached to support the sleeping areas on either side of the trailer bed. The tent is pitched on the 7’ x 5’ trailer bed. An easy setup converts the trailer into a 7’ high 81-square-foot weather resistant tent that sleeps six. The bed platforms fit 2 twin air mattresses (one per platform). The trailer bed fits one queen-size mattress. The tent has front and rear doorways and eight windows. The bed platforms can be placed on top of the trailer to serve as a utility platform or stored beneath the trailer to streamline the trailer. The wooden floorboards for the tent are purchased separately from a local hardware store and cut to 84 inches in length. Empty Weight: 800 lbs.
Read more about the Double Duty Utility Camper from the USA Trailer Store

Mini Mate Motorcycle Camping Trailer
The Mini Mate tent is made of a water resistant marine grade fabric. It can be setup easily by one person. The tent is attached to the trailer which facilitates the setup process. The entire interior space of the camper is completely off the ground. The Mini Mate is perfectly suited for a solo camper. It has 15 cubic feet of easily accessible storage space that’s separate from the sleeping area. It has a full size bed area. The bed can be converted into a small sitting area that’s far from luxurious but big enough for one person to sit in and get out of the weather or away from the bugs. Accessories include an awning that you can zip on the front. If you’re a solo camper who is not interested in a lot of add-ons, the Mini Mate is a good choice. Total weight for the Mini Mate is 265 pounds making it suitable for motorcycle camping.
Read more about the Mini Mate on the Open Road Outfitters website
Easy Camper from Time Out Trailers
The Easy Camper tent trailer is made of a water resistant marine grade fabric. Setup time is about 10 minutes with one person working alone. It has a large inside sitting area that can be equipped with an optional table. The sitting area is large enough for two people to sit comfortably. At bedtime you take the table out and fold out the other half of the bed. Accessories include a handy aerodynamic cooler that can be installed on the front of the trailer, a large L-shaped awning, and a massive 12’ x 12’ screened-in area that will give you a huge additional closed in space. The Easy Camper is a good option for camping couples or the solo camper who wants extra interior space that sets up off the ground. Total weight for the Easy Camper is around 325 pounds and it has 16 cubic feet of cargo space.
Read more about the Easy Camper on the Time Out Trailers website

FreeSpirit Journey Small Tent Trailer (Off-road version)
Tow the FreeSpirit Journey Trailer behind just about any vehicle and when you find that perfect camping spot just fold out the tent– one person can do it. The rugged trailer is built to go to just about any off-road destination you choose. The 1” steel-tube provides a stable framework for the tent. 3/4” plywood flooring keeps you off the ground. The tent itself is 800 denier polyester/cotton ripstop canvas with a 1,200-denier floor that makes for a spacious 4-season tent that sleeps 4-to-6 people. The stand-up room is 108” long x 72” wide x 90” high. The separate bunk room is 78” long x 55” wide x 48” high. Screened windows provide ventilation and light. The trailer has 45 cubic feet of storage space with a 1/4” rubber mat and six heavy-duty tie-downs. The cargo space is accessible from 3 doors with locks. The overall design allows the frame to be lightweight and travel to remote off-road locations while still carrying a heavy load. The Timbren 2,000 lb. axle-less suspension give the trailer the ability to traverse tough terrain. Weight is 690 lbs. without the tent.
Note: The FreeSpirit Tent Trailer is no longer listed on their website, however if you search, they appear to still be for sale at various dealerships.
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