3 Jeep Gladiator Camper Models To Consider

jeep gladiator campersjeep gladiator campers

Since the new Jeep Gladiator was introduced, it’s been begging to be accessorized or upgraded for overland. Being designated a truck, you knew it would be no time before Jeep Gladiator camper options would start hitting the market. Sure enough, there are now a handful of options now on the market, where some manufacturers have adapted their existing truck camper platform to include the Gladiator, and others have a unique, dedicated design. As with truck campers, there’s sub-niches of the type of camper you can get as well.

at summit camper on jeep gladiatorat summit camper on jeep gladiator
The AT Summit Camper on a Jeep Gladiator at Overland Expo East 2019

AT Overland Summit Jeep Gladiator Camper

I ran across the AT Summit setup at Overland Expo East in Virginia and got the opportunity to do a video walkaround with AT Overland (see video below). It was an impressive setup visually, being a gloss black paint matching camper. The default finish is bare aluminum with a clear coat. (By the way, here’s a link to Maxtrax Recovery Boards you see in the photo above if you’re interested in them).

The design is that of a wedge camper, where the roof pitches in the rear creating standing space, and sloping down to the cab where a cabover bed exists. Options include custom window arrangements, LED lighting, solar system, heating and many other options & features. The camper walls are insulated.

AT Overland is now touting a full pop-up version of their camper as well called the AT Atlas where the entire roof raises.

Gladiator FiftyTen Flatbed Camper System

Another setup I came across at the same event was the FiftyTen Camper System which is German manufactured and imported here to the U.S. and distributed via Goose Gear. While I got a detailed rundown of a version of the FiftyTen camper setup on an F-350, a Gladiator version was on display as well.

This camper system features includes a flatbed, so you get all that great exterior storage, along with increased interior space. The FiftyTen is designed so your camper opens up to the outdoor experience if you desire. It’s also a wedge camper design. The interior is modular, and Goose Gear has many configurations available to build your camper interior out the way you desire.

Fifty Ten Camper System with flatbed on a Jeep Gladiator

Leitner Designs Gladiator Cargo Rack/Roof Top Tent Setup

Earlier at Overland Expo West, I came across a setup that some also refer to as a Jeep Gladiator camper that was on display by Leitner Designs. They manufacture a robust cargo rack system for the Gladiator, with all sort of attachment points for their different cargo box options, other gear and the rack can easily support a roof top tent.

Leitner designs had a large hard shell tent mounted to their overland Gladiator on display. The rack gives enough clearance so a large roof top tent can extend out over the cab without issues. Here’s a full article on Leitner Design’s Jeep Gladiator Cargo Rack

Leitner Designs Cargo Rack for the Jeep Gladiator
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