cool backpacking gear Hammocks for Camping: An Inexpensive Alternative to Tents 8 years ago Hammocks for camping provide a lightweight, inexpensive alternative to tents. The nice thing about hammocks is, if there are places… 20 Top Tents for Winter: The Best 4 Season, 2 Person Tents 8 years ago If you are fortunate enough to be camping in winter you’re going to want to sleep in a tent that… Best Wood Burning Backpacking Stoves: 6 Wood Stoves to Consider 8 years ago If you’re headed out on a backpacking adventure, you have two basic choices about how you’re going to cook your… What’s the Best Backpacking Chair? Here’s 7 Chairs to Choose From 8 years ago Backpacking is a trade-off between comfort and weight. The best backpacking chair may not be in the consciousness of the… 5 Useful Solar Backpacking Gadgets That Won’t Break Your Budget or Pack Weight 8 years ago Portable solar power, and backpacking gadgets that can be powered by solar, have come a long way in recent years. … Sawyer Water Filter Review – Testing Out the Sawyer Squeeze Water Filter 8 years ago A short backpacking excursion to Bear Lake in Emigrant Wilderness afforded my buddy Wade and I a chance to properly do… Best Sleeping Pad for Backpacking and a Good Night’s Rest 8 years ago If you’re like me, you’ve been sleeping in tents for years without so much as a thought to how comfortable… Luci Lantern Review – Solar LED Lantern Tested 9 years ago Remember the days when providing enough light at night in the undeveloped outdoors meant using a fuel-based, mantle camping lantern?… What’s the Best Backpacking Backpack? 9 years ago Aside from your boots, you probably won’t find a more important factor of your hiking experience than your backpack. Choosing… Best Trekking Poles for Backpacking 9 years ago If you’re a strong hiker who is just going out for a day hike, you may or may not choose… Next»